Small Talk About Big Issues

Touching Base with Common Sense

Today I Stood

On Friday, October 22, 2010, I traveled to Seymour, Indiana and stood with a small group of outstanding American Patriots…the Jackson County Tea Party.  We stood on four streetcorners holding patriotic signs and American Flags.  We stood as a part of a national movement of citizens that want to see our country and our politics operate the way our forefathers envisioned.  However, this was not the first time I stood.  On October 2, 2010, I stood with another group of faithful, patriotic American men and women…The Sons and Daughters of Liberty (the Jefferson County Tea Party) as they held a rally in Madison, Indiana. 

I stood not so much for that which I am against, but I stood more in support for that which I believe. 

I stood because I believe in the United States of America!  I believe in her foundation…The Constitution.  I believe in the values demonstrated by her founding fathers in their resolute adherence to that which is right and just.  I believe in the people that make up the very fabric of her being.  I believe in her voice of freedom that spans the globe. 

I stood because I believe in honoring the oath I took on February 8, 1977.  When sworn into the United States Army, I took an oath of allegiance.  Millions of American soldiers take or have taken this oath.  My oath did not terminate just because my active duty service did.  The words I spoke so many years ago are still binding on me today.  “I, John L. Mustain, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  So help me God.”  It never dawned on me then that I would have to protect the Constitution against my own elected officials, or that they would become the domestic enemy. 

I stood because I believe in “We the people of the United States…”.  I am not sure when the majority gave in to the minority.  The Will of the few is usurping the power of the Will of the many.  “We the people” has become “we the elected”.  “We the people” seem to have become uneducated, helpless souls that need “we the elected” to tell us what to think and do.  In fact, the only thing “we the elected” seem to need “we the people” for is to rob our pockets, control our lands, and legislate our actions, thoughts, feelings, and words.  “We the people” need to restore to ourselves the power inherently vested in us by the Constitution of the United States. 

Today I stood because for the first time in my 51 years, I actually read the Constitution of the United States all the way through (including Amendments).  It is amazing!  No wonder this astonishing document has stood the test of time.  However, even the most cursory comparison of the Constitution and today’s political environment reveals how far we have strayed from its precepts.  The DNA of the Constitution is dripping with smaller government, limited government, and the overabundance of power to the people.  How can anyone miss that message? 

Today I stood, and I am proud I did.  I will continue to stand, too.  While Americans have slept in our abundance and in our illusion of security, enemies have crept in unaware.  Those enemies parade openly now down our streets and on our airwaves.  Atrocities are committed against America daily.  How can we allow our own captivity?  Why are we laying down our weapons…our voices…and letting these domestic enemies of the Constitution conquer our nation?  Why are we willingly walking into the enemy’s camp and giving up? 

Today I stood and sounded my personal battle cry.  Wake up, America!  Take stock of your elected officials.  Herald the good and detest the bad.  Sound the alarms!  Be wise in your choices on November 2nd.  Remember there are good Republicans and bad ones, there are good Democrats and bad ones, there are good men and women in all of our political parties and there are bad ones…our job is to be informed enough to know the difference.  The resurrection of America as a great nation depends solely on “We the people” becoming both informed and involved. 

Today I stood because someone once said, “Politics is all about power.”  That person was absolutely right!  Pure, unadulterated politics is about insuring ALL the POWER remains in the hands of ALL the PEOPLE.

October 24, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. Thank you for another great article. Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a perfect way of writing? I have a presentation next week, and I am on the look for such information.

    Comment by Sichere Geldanlage in Deutschland | October 26, 2010 | Reply

  2. Great articles John. Keep up the good work and am glad to be associated with you.

    Comment by Rick Berry | October 30, 2010 | Reply

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